League Standings 2023

The league is located at the Clarenville Farm & Market Range and can be joined until the last week of April. Call 709-766-2697 for more information.
Here are the standings so far, stay tuned for updates as the league progresses!
Female Leagues
Age Division (Equipment) - Name S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S14 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 TOP 8 TOTAL MEDAL
Cadet (Barebow) - Mya Melindy 94(1X) 88 168 98 124 119 144 167(1x)
Pee Wee (Barebow) - Makenna Kearley 109 43 98 62 122 170 146 131
Pee Wee (Barebow) - Marley Gullage 108 55 47 98 101 144(1x) 99(1x) 149 148
Pee Wee (Barebow) - Lydia Collet 82 78 131 147(1x) 148(1x) 150 175(1x) 113
Pre Cub (Barebow) - Leah Butler 177(1x) 68 182 122(1X) 189(1x) 181(1x) 181 121 186 212 234(1x) 191 208(2x) 235 214(2x) 205(1x) 194(1x) 212(1x) 225(1x) 206(1x) 217 200 216
Senior (Barebow) - Jenna Collett 53 84 118 74 67 83 88(1x) 77 83 88 57 80 100 70 100(1x) 101 99 64 41 60
Senior (Barebow) - Melanie Stringer 79 45 120(1x) 88 78 52 86 114 151 80 145 144 131 130 64 128(1x) 82 109 130 137
Senior (Hunter) - Heather Elliot 136 130 139(1X)
Senior (Hunter) - Jennifer Strobridge 208(1X) 255(1X) 241(1x) 233 247(3X) 264(4X) 256(2x) 275(11x) 273(4x) 275(7x) 270(4x) 248(3x) 249(2x) 268(6x) 265(3x) 271(7x) 271(1x) 270(3x) 279(6x) 278(9x) 267(3x) 270(6x) 286(8x)
Male Leagues
Age Division (Equipment) - Name S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 TOP 8 TOTAL MEDAL
Cadet (Hunter) - Nicholas Reid 202 171(2x) 241(2x) 177
Cub (Instinctive) -  James Wood 167 112(1X) 148 171 85 114 125(1x) 62 140 88 99 149(1x) 170 130 124 116 147(1x) 110 107
Cub (Recurve) - Nathan Fillier 146 155(1x) 123(1x) 168
Pee Wee (Barebow) - Parker Brett 176 135 176 206 117(1X) 138 196 211 195(1x) 188(1x) 205 195(3x) 181(1x) 186 183 184(1x) 164 188(2x) 193(1x) 218 206(1x) 190(1x) 177 177
Pee Wee (Barebow) - Meyer Wade 129 88 23 83 96 121 95 84 171 139 139 139
Pre Cub (Barebow) - Sam Collett 155 176 136 157 180 174 183 180 131 131 157 174 173(1x) 209(1x) 175 181 193(1x) 203 155 143
Master (Coumpound) - Dean Halleran 123 217(2x) 239(1x) 239(2x) 233 241(2x) 233(1x) 247(2x) 232(2x) 196 258(3x)
Senior (Barebow) - Justus Sheppard 106 64 76 73 110 67 110(1x) 110 108 121(1x) 115 123 112 123(1x) 85 113 111(1x) 172 119 137
Senior (Barebow) - Sidney Clouter 123 120 57 110 80 81 105 121 104 74 105 115(1x) 107 110(1x) 66 101 140 127 69 154(1x) 104 108 147 249(1x)
Senior (Compound) - Jon Gullage 283(3X) 268(3X) 276(4X) 271(3x) 263(3x) 283 (7x) 278(9x) 283(9x) 276(5x) 274(1x) 276(x6)
Senior (Compound) - Kristin Hounsell 260(4X) 268(2X) 269(5x)
Senior (Fixed Pin) - Steve Hatch 271(3X) 271(2X) 266(2X) 260(4X)
Senior (Hunter) -Aaron Butler 228 236(3X) 221(2X) 241(1X) 243(1X) 239(1x) 261(1x) 246(1x) 249(1x) 228 254(2x) 253 253(1x) 239(3x) 256
Senior (Hunter) - Jonathan Street 181(1X) 233(4X) 226 222(1X) 217(1X) 220(5x) 264(3x) 248(1x)
Master (Hunter) - Dave Gullage 241 237(1x) 260(1x) 261(3x) 241(3x) 248(4x) 238(2x) 263(3x) 252(2x)
Senior (Longbow) - Shane Frost 113(1X) 136
*Please note that these are copied from the score spreadsheet so while they should be accurate, in the event of a discrepancy, final scores will be determined solely by the score spreadsheet.*